Tonight we will continue our look into the book of Obadiah. However, once again we will not get out of the first verse. Now remember this is a book written to the nation of Edom. Edom is a product of the rebellious son Esau. Esau rebels against God, his parents, and the promise God had given. Jacob is promised the blessing and through this is the father of Israel. I realize that Abraham is often titled as being the father of Israel, but Jacob is the head of this promise, it is his name they bear not Abraham’s. Last week we discussed the reality of the Word of God. What a blessing it is to have such a word. This week I want us to examine The Lord GOD, The Heathen, and The Ambassador. It is these three titles I want us to see and how they apply to us.
The Lord GOD
It is interesting how the names of God are used in the Old Testament. In the Bible God carries many different names. He is called:
- Almighty God
- Ancient of Days
- Avenger
- Buckler
- Consuming Fire
- Deliverer
- Dwelling Place
- Everlasting Father
In truth we could go on for quite a while. He carries specific names such as:
- Jehovah Nissi
- Jehovah-Raah
- Jehovah Rapha
- Jehovah Jireh
- Jehovah Shalom
- Jehovah Sabaoth
Again there are more but these are some of the names he carries. However, there are three titles that are given to God and are carried through the whole Old Testament.
- LORD: When in all caps it signifies Jehovah. I am convinced that when we see this in the Old Testament we are looking at Jesus. The Jehovah of the Old is Jesus of the New.
- Lord: When not in caps it signifies his authority, his kingship.
- God: This signifies the general idea and name of God. Usually it is indicative of God the father.
However, when we begin to join these names together it becomes even more interesting as to what is taking place. Look at what we see here:
- LORD God: Up until around the book of Isaiah, this is the normal way it is read. With a few exceptions this is the normal spelling. Most would read this as God being master but I am simple minded and I will read it as it is, Jehovah God. In other words Jesus is God. This is confirmed when we read in Isiah that the child to be born would carry the title of Everlasting father, and Almighty God. So when we read this in the Old Testament we are reading Jehovah God, Jesus God!
- Lord GOD: After Isaiah this is the traditional use. Remember Lord means master, king, or ruler. So in my simple mind once again I read, The Master God, The King God. What we are reading and why this is important is that we are seeing it being used not for a gracious Jehovah but when we see this we are seeing the Judge, Creator and King of all creation. He is presented this way in the Prophets because of his right to judge, and rule.
So when we read in this portion of scripture, Lord GOD is speaking. We are hearing from the mouth of the one who sits on the throne of Heaven. The one who is in charge. The one who orchestrated the creation of the universe. We are reading from the one who has the right to judge, and destroy Edom. The interesting aspect however, is how it is written.
- Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning Edom:
Here we are given an indication that Obadiah is speaking up until the colon. As if Obadiah says, here is what the judge has to say. What does God say?
- We have heard a rumour from the LORD
In this statement we find three truths about God.
- First, we find the Trinity of God. Is it not interesting that God would speak here and say, We have heard. I realize that it is difficult to maybe explain the trinity in a way where our finite minds could truly comprehend but you need to understand that the New and the Old both support the truth of the trinity. The father is God and he is not the Son. The Son is God, and he is not the father. The Father and the Son are God and they are not the Spirit. We serve a God that is evidently a Trinity. Some have tried to explain it by saying I am a father, a son, and a husband, however that falls very short because I am one person who carries three titles. These are three persons who carry one title.
- Second, we find the trustworthiness of God. Remember we desire to understand this in the English language. So because of this I have the definition of the word from Websters 1828. First he says a rumor is, “Flying or popular report; a current story passing from one person to another without any known authority for the truth of it”. Secondly, he says, “Report of a fact; a story well authorized”. Since we know that God is not an individual who would carry anything without authority we are to assume it is the second. It is a fact that is well authorized. I read from another pastor who said, wouldn’t it be great if Christians were living in the second definition and not the first.
- Thirdly, we find the timelessness of God. We have heard, and there is a rumor spoken, but it is being Spoken by the LORD. The Lord GOD says that they heard the LORD Jehovah speak of a rumor, a truth, a fact. I was reminded once again of the verse in HEbrews that tells us that he has spoken to us by his son. I am glad that the LORD, that Jehovah in the Old Testament spoke in that time period, that he spoke in the New Testament, and that he still speaks today. I serve not only a Trinity God, and a Trustworthy God, but I serve a Timeless God. He was alive then and is alive now, and thanks be to God he is alive ever more!
The Heathen
Now I realize we are skipping the Ambassador but I want us to see this first, because it will help us understand the other. Some have defined the heathen as uncivilized. They say the heathen lived in the deep dark jungle of Africa. They describe them as uneducated, and those without social refinement or technology. What does the Bible say? I think we can start at the first mention of this word.
- Leviticus 25:44
In truth this word is used quite frequently in the Old Testament. However, it is not used for the uneducated or the uncivilized. It is used for those who are not part of the family of God. Now it is true that Esau was a descendant of Abraham. However, the nation of Edom is not part of the nation of Israel. Esau rebelled and God could not allow Esau into this family. This is the family of Jacob, the family that bears his name. So a heathen is anyone who is not part of the family of God.
The definition is clear, but the distinction is even more clear. There is no middle ground. You could not be part of Edom, part of Philistine or part of any other Canaanite kingdom only to try and claim this family. You could only arrive in this family, through birth, through marriage, or through conversion.
However, I like the development of this family a little bit better. You see the reality is I am not physically born into this family. I did not physically marry into the family of God. Praise be to God we are and can be brought into this family.
- Ephesians 2:11-22
Thank God that now the heathen can through the spiritual birth and spiritual marriage be brought nigh into this family and brought nigh to the promises.
The Ambassador
Now maybe this will help you understand the Ambassador. Who is the Ambassador in the book of Obadiah. The ambassador is Obadiah himself. What is an ambassador? An ambassador is an individual who is in a foreign land speaking and living on the behalf of another. Now, this is the job of Obadiah, but I want to take a minute to speak about our ambassadorship.
- 2 Corinthians 5:20-21
We are living among the heathen and I want you to see three aspects of this.
First, I want you to take note of Our citizenship. I live in America, I live on this earth, however, my citizenship is elsewhere.
- Philippians 3:20
I think we get confused here because of our patriotism. We think of ourselves and Americans who are Christians. I am not an American Christian. I am a Christian who lives in America. I live by the laws, and decrees of another nation. Preacher, don’t you love your nation. Sure I love America, but my heart belongs to another nation. A nation where I will one day live. A nation where I will reside and have no more care. Would it not break your heart to see America fall? Sure it would hurt my heart but I must say again, my heart is in Heaven. Paul tells us to set out affections on the things above. Christ tells us to lay up treasures in heaven not on hearth.
Secondly, I want you to see our care. I think this is often overlooked. An ambassador is not receiving his care from the country he is in, rather he receives his care from the nation that sent him. We are told:
- Philippians 4:19
Preacher, are you not scared that your 401K or your retirement will not be there. Are you not scared about inflation and interest rates? Are you not scared about supplies being hindered? I say to you very clearly, God took care of Elijah when there was a drought. God fed him with ravens, and a widow woman. God feeds the nation of Israel in the wilderness with quail and manna. God is more than capable of feeding me and my family. God could run the food right into my yard. God could drop the check right into my mailbox. He has done it before and he can do it again if needed. My care does not come from this nation but from my God.
Thirdly, I want us to see our Cry. Notice the responsibility of the ambassador.
- 2 Corinthians 5:18
I want you to realize that you are a citizen of another country but your responsibility is to take your voice and carry to the others in this nation the message of reconciliation. To carry it out and proclaim, Jesus saves, Jesus Saves. To go to all that are in need and share the good news of the gospel.
Here is what the LORD God says today. I have heard good news, a truth, a rumor from Jehovah, from Jesus, that there is an ambassador in the nation of the heathen crying out destruction is coming. What good is an ambassador with a message if he is not willing to share it?
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