This evening we will cover verses 28-32 in chapter two. It is a neat little fact that in the Hebrew Bible these few verses make up the third chapter and what we have as a 3rd chapter is the fourth chapter. It doesn’t affect our Bible in the least in considering that the chapters and verse references are added on later to help with the reading and separation of thought. It just makes us pause and consider how important this portion of scripture is to the Jewish nation.
Now this portion of scripture joined with Acts 2 has caused some stir and confusion among Bible scholars. Look with me really quick at these two portions of scripture.
Joel 2:28-32
Acts 2:14-21
In the book of Joel we have a promise of a pouring out of God’s Spirit upon the people. It is vast as it will affect all, men, women, rich and poor. It is powerful as it will cause them to see visions, and it is changing as there is something here that will cause the people to find deliverance. When we arrive at the book of Acts we find that the disciples of Christ are filled with the Spirit. The day of Pentecost is often referred to as the birth of the church and the decision of the Spirit. The apostle Peter uses the book of Joel to explain to them what is taking place.
Now tonight I want us to examine these two passages and more to determine what Joel is speaking about and what is taking place in Acts. There are three main views of what takes place between these two passages.
- The book of Acts was a complete fulfillment of Joel and it is completed and everything we read in Joel is not a literal interpretation but a figurative and so Joel 2:28-32 is complete.
- The Book of Acts was a beginning point of the book of Joel and it will continue until the Millennial kingdom begins. They teach and say this is proof that we as Christians should be having dreams and visions.
- The Book of Acts, while being an illustration for the book of Joel, was not a fulfillment of the book of Joel and therefore this prophecy holds for something in the future.
Now I want us to examine the Bible and see what we can find out and determine what is the truth about this passage of scripture.
First, we must Understand the role and how the Spirit worked in the New and the Old Testament. While we experience a daily relationship with the Spirit, the Old Testament saint was not as familiar. The relationship in the Old Testament is that there are a select group of individuals who are able to experience the Spirit of God.
- In Genesis 41:38 we are told that Joseph has the Spirit of God within him. This would have helped in many ways. I imagine the Spirit brought wisdom. The Spirit was most likely responsible for his ability to interpret dreams. The Spirit may have as he did for us brought comfort in times of difficulty.
- In Exodus 31:3 we are told that Bezaleel, a workman, was filled with the Spirit. This was given to him to have wisdom, understanding and knowledge.
- In Numbers 27:18 we are told that the Spirit is in Joshua.
- In Judges we are told of Othniel, Gideon, Jepthah, and Samson and each is said to have the Holy Spirit.
- While in the New Testament it is still under the Old Testament economy. We are told about Zecharias, Elizabeth, and John all being filled with the Spirit.
These are interesting aspects to read about and I know there are more but you should take note that during the Old Testament God would take those individuals who would be of a particular service and place his spirit in them and on them. This would allow them particular abilities. For some it was to divine dreams. For some it was to make great pieces of metal for the tabernacle. For some it was to be a great military mind. For some it gave them great physical strength. However, one of the greatest examples of the Spirit and in comparison to what we see in the New Testament is found in Numbers 11.
In Numbers 11 we find that Moses is very heavy in Spirit. He seems to be very burdened and weary of the task at hand. So God takes the Spirit that he has placed on Moses and separates it between 72 men. These men immediately behave in a manner like those in the New Testament filling. They begin to prophesy and do not stop. This may help us in a moment.
Now the New Testament is a little different. I think we should examine John 14. In John 14:16-21,26 and 16:7-15 we are given this idea of the believer having the Holy Spirit. Look at the details that are given to us here about this Spirit.
- First, he will be another comforter. This is another but the same. He holds all the title, power, and responsibility of the Son. We know he is the same because Peter tells Ananias that he Lied to God, and he lied to the Holy Spirit.
- Second, we are told that he will be with us and in us. This is crucial because this is the first promise of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
- Thirdly, we are told that he will teach us. This is a promise of scriptural insight through the Spirit.
- Fourthly, we are told that he will rebuke sin. This is a promise of Heavenly conviction.
- Fifthly, we are told that he would guide us.
Now this is a wrapping of many of the things the Spirit does. We know he:
- Comfort us in difficult times
- Calls us into ministry at times
- Guides us in life and in the scripture
- Reproves the world of sin and in our own lives.
- Carries our request to God when our hearts are to heavy
- He is responsible for the giving of the Spiritual gifts
- He is responsible for the sealing of our souls until death or rapture.
- He enables us to walk in newness of life
- He enables us to produce fruit in our lives.
Now if you examine these things this is exactly the ministry that Christ fulfilled while he was on earth for the disciples. Did he not comfort them in difficult times, peace be still in the midst of a storm. Did he not send them out to preach the kingdom? Did he not pull them aside and say here is what the parable means, the thing they could not understand. Did he not rebuke Peter and say get thee behind me Satan. Did he not steal away to a private place, and carry the burdens of his to the father. Did he not enable the disciples to do amazing things? Did he not say that he has kept them up until that point. Did he not call them from their old lives unto their new lives. You see when Christ said, I am sending another he did exactly that. For us he sent us not a replacement but another. It did not replace him in our lives but he gave us that ever present help in our needs. He sent the Spirit and while I have never looked upon his face I have experienced the moving, and the help and the present hand of the Spirit in my own life.
Now how does this join the two together, Joel and Acts. I think that we have to agree that the book of Acts was not a figurative fulfillment of the book of Joel. I also have to agree that the fulfillment did not begin at the book of Acts and I do not believe that we are to have visions and dreams. I think that God speaks to us as the church through his word. Just as the spiritual gift of tongues has ceased, I believe that we do not have a need for supernatural prophecy. We have the word of God.
So what is the connection? I believe that while it did not fulfill the book of Joel, it was a great example of the book of Joel. If you pay close attention he never says this is a fulfillment of the prophecy of Joel. THere are other places where this wording is used and it is very clear.
- Matthew 2:17-18
- Acts 13:23-33
I think Peter uses the book of Joel to explain to those who are mocking what is taking place. He says, why would you assume these individuals are drunk, rather they are filled with the Spirit just as Joel says, just as we see in the book of Numbers. This is an example or a reference that he uses to show them.
So if this is not a fulfillment what can we learn and see from Joel. Well look at other passages of scripture with me.
- Isaiah 32:15
- Ezekiel 36:27, 37:14, 39:29
- Zechariah 12:10
I want you to keep something in mind as we read this passage of scripture and the passage in Joel. Each of these authors had no vision in mind about the Church. We interpret way too often verses that have no interpretation towards the church. This causes confusion and problems for the church. While we can apply and compare it is not about the church. Each of these verses is about the nation of Israel.
So let’s break down this passage and see what takes place and see if we can find a time once again.
- We are told first there would be Wonders in the heavens and in the earth. (We know these wonders are not miracles but terrible events because there will be fire, blood and smoke)
- We are told that there would be the sun turning to darkness and the moon into blood.
- We are told that they could call on the LORD and be delivered and that deliverance would be found in Mount Zion and Jerusalem.
- We are told there would be a remnant that the LORD shall call
Now I think we can once again find a time when this takes place and make sense.
First, let us deal with the wonders. We must establish that the heavens is not heaven as God’s realm but the 1st and 2nd heavens. This is the atmosphere and the universe. We are told there would be fire, blood and smoke. This has to do with the atmosphere, universe and the earth.
- Revelation 8:7
Here we are told that hail mingled with fire and blood will fall. Where does this fall from, the heavens? We are told that it would burn up the trees, which will be great pillars of smoke trees. I cannot take this figuratively as clothes have but I take this literally. This is fire, blood and smoke.
Second, let us deal with the sun darkening and the moon turning to blood. Again we can find a direct connection.
- Revelation 6:12
Here we are told the sun becomes as black as a sackcloth of hair and the moon becomes blood. We find no other mention of this happening.
Now neither of these things took place during the book of Acts. These are literal things that will take place
Thirdly let us examine this last verse. We must break each down.
- We are told that deliverance comes in his name
- We are told the message of deliverance however deals with Mt. Zion and Jerusalem
- We are told that there is a remnant called.
Let us examine some scripture.
- Psalm 2:6-7
- Isaiah 24:22-23
- Isaiah 2:2
Now these verses establish the kingdom of Christ or the kingdom of the messiah will be in Mt. Zion and Jerusalem. Look with me to Revelation 7.
- Revelation 7:4-8
Here we are told of a group of called out individuals prepared to preach, which I must say are later shown to be on Mt. Zion. Look in Revelation 7 again.
- Revelation 7:14
Here is what I believe we read. On this last day there will be a remnant preaching about a kingdom in Mt. Zion and Jerusalem. A kingdom that if we follow the message of the kingdom in the New Testament is first “repent”, and now we believe on the name of the Lord. They are not preaching salvation from sin but deliverance. Deliverance from what the terrible wonders. Yes their sins are forgiven but they are seeking deliverance. I think what we can find is that the 144,000 witnesses filled with the spirit will preach the gospel of the kingdom and we will see individuals call upon his name for deliverance. I think that we can tell that the time period is during the tribulation, that the remnant is of Israel and not the church, and that the miracles and wonders will take place in this time period. It is to come and Acts was an example of the pouring out.
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