This evening we will close out our quick walk through the Book of Joel. Remember we are not going in depth because we need to do 12 books in 12 months. We are taking a bird’s eye view and making an application to our lives today. Also keep in mind the interpretation is set. These books were written to the Nation of Israel. Yes we can see that these writings have bearing upon the end times. Yes, we can see that these writings may have bearing upon the day of the gentiles. However, remember these books were written to the Jews. We can, without doing harm to the interpretation, make modern day applications and that is our goal.
This last chapter can be broken down into three sections:
- The rebuke against the gentile nations, vs. 2-8
- The battle and judgment of the gentile nations, vs. 9-16
- The restoration of the nation of Israel with the LORD as king, vs. 17-21
I think we should first understand this battle and the timeline and what is taking place and then make an application.
We know that this is a condemnation against the gentiles because of the terms used.
- Vs. 2 All Nations
- Vs. 9 Among the gentiles
- Vs. 11 All ye heathens
- Vs. 12 Let the heathens
Each of these terms is pointed directly at the gentile nations of the world. Keep in mind that in this day we live in the gentile nations have full control. There is coming a day when the Jewish nation will be the premier nation upon the planet. Please do not grow upset at this, or claim that God is some type of hate filled racist. He made a promise to a man named Abraham. That promise said that he would be blessed. Abraham did not receive that promise because of wealth, family history, or skin tone. He received this promise because he had faith. I cannot grow angry over this choice but I am thankful that I am now a fellow citizen with Abraham. The gentiles have a proclamation given to them:
- I will bring you to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. The name Jehoshaphat is a breakdown of a particular statement. Just as Jehovah-Jireh means Jehovah will provide, the name Jehoshaphat is two words gathered together. The first part “Jeho” is Jehovah and the last part “Saphat” means” to Judge”. So when they are brought to the valley of Jehoshaphat please do not attribute a particular region to it but rather a thought that this is the Valley of Jehovah’s judgment. This is echoed when it is called the Valley of Decision. This term is not for us to apply to some great evangelistic meeting. This is not the valley where individuals will make decisions but rather this is the valley where his decision and judgment will be final.
- They are also told to Prepare for war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near. They are told to beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears. This is a direct opposite of Isaiah and Micah. In these two passages of scripture we find the setting up of the kingdom
- Isaiah 2:4
- Micah 4:3
Now we know that this battle is a battle where the Lord himself will fight against Gentile nations who have abused the nation of Israel. We also know that this is to take place during the day of the Lord. We do not have time this evening to rehash everything we have been going over but understand the Day of the Lord takes place during the 7 year tribulation period and it is in this period that the wrath of God, the wrath of the Lamb, and the wrath of Satan is poured out upon this world, and upon the nation of Israel in particular.
Now there are two battles that take place in the book of Revelation. The battle of Gog and Magog in chapter 20. This battle will not be a battle at all but simply put Satan and his armies are destroyed immediately by the Fire of Heaven. The other battle is found in chapter 19. I think we should do some quick review as to what is taking place.
In chapter 1-3 we have the introduction to the book and the introduction to the church and church ages. In chapter 4 we have the calling up of John and a picture of the church being called up. The church is not mentioned again on this earth until we return with him in chapter 19. Chapter 5 introduces the 7 sealed book and the Lamb who is worthy. From chapter 6 through 18 we have the wrath of God poured out upon this world. In fact I want us to read a few passages of scripture and compare them.
- Joel 3:9-13
- Zechariah 14:1-8
- Psalm 14:7
- 2 Thess. 2:8
- Revelation 14:9-20
- Revelation 17:10-18
- Revelation 19:11-19
Now that is a lot of reading and a lot to take in. Here is what is going to take place in the final years and days of the tribulation. The anti-Christ, which is the seventh king, has ten horns. These ten horns represent ten kings that will unite with him. It is interesting that in Psalm 83 we are told about 10 nations that confederate against Israel. This world confederation will march against Israel once the Euphrates river is dried up. This will cause the nation of Israel to flee to the mountains, some believe to be Petra. It seems plausible but remember during this day and age the landscape is completely rearranged. It is during this time that Christ will return from heaven. He will come on a white horse and he will pour out his wrath. This is the wine press of his wrath spoken about in Joel and in Revelation 14. This is the Valley of Jehoshaphat when judgment finally falls.
Now this is the interpretation, but what application can we make from this. I want you to go back to the Book of Joel. Now look with me at something special. This will not take long.
- Vs. 2 My people, My heritage, My land
- Vs. 3 My people
- Vs. 5 My silver, My gold, My goodly pleasant things
- Vs. 16 Hope of HIS people
Now I know this, God called Abraham and made him a great nation. That great nation had a covenant with God and they broke that covenant, because of that they have been sitting under the judging hand of God for almost 2800 years. They were in Assyrian captivity, Babylonian captivity, Persian captivity, Grecian captivity, Roman captivity. They have been attacked and ridiculed by rulers and kings. They are now under the captivity of the veil mentioned in the book to the Corinthians. Daniel said they have one more week of judgment to pay for their sins. That week is the 7 years of tribulation. However, I find in the book of Joel while talking about the future, God says they are my people, it is my land, it is his people. He says, I will restore them and give them more than they had before. I cannot seem to get past the faithfulness of God to keep his word.
Now tonight we could go through every promise God has made us, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee, My God shall supply all your needs. However, I want you to consider three verses.
- John 1:12, Galatians 4:7
- I Thess. 1:10
Now in these verses we are told that we are his sons, we are his and he takes care of his own. We are also told that we are saved from the wrath to come. Let me show you this really quick.
- First, we are saved from the wrath of the tribulation (Rev. 6:16,17;11:18)
- Second, we are saved from the wrath of Satan (Rev. 12:12)
- Thirdly, we are saved from the wrath of the Lake of Fire (Rev. 14:10
Someone told me recently that I deserved good things to happen because of some of the bad things that took place in my life. I thought about that and the realization hit me, I deserve every bad thing that could ever happen to me. I deserve to endure through the tribulation. I deserve to endure through the wrath of Satan, and I deserve to be thrown into the Lake of Fire. That is what I deserve. However, there was a day when I received him. There was a day when in faith I became a Son of God. The day that took place he wrapped me up in his protective care and there is not one portion of this wrath that will ever get close to touching me. Most of us don’t thank him for this fact, and it would do us good to find ourselves before the king in recognition of our unworthiness and his protective promise.
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