This evening I want us to continue our journey through the book of Amos. Now remember the message that Amos brings is within the religious capital of the kingdom of Israel. It is given and delivered to the King’s Chapel. So when he brings his prophetic message it is given to those religious individuals in this back-slidden nation.
As he begins this message he begins to decry other nations and seals their doom.
- In 1:3 he brings a message for Damascus. Damascus is the Syrian capital. Remember the Syrians had caused great difficulty for the northern kingdom. His message is that punishment is coming because they “threshed” Gilead.
- In 1:6 he brings a message for Gaza. Gaza is the representative for the Philistine people. They are going to be punished because they carried away captive Israelites to the Edomites.
- In 1:9 he brings a message to those in Tyrus. Tyrus is the Phoenician representative. They are going to be punished because they delivered the people of God to Edom.
- In 1:11 he brings a message to Edom. Edom is representative of the Edomites. Remember the Edomites are the lineage of Esau. We will deal with these people in Obadiah as it is written specifically to them. They are going to be punished because they have been wrong in their dealings with their brother Israel.
- In 1:13 he brings a message against Ammon. He says they will be punished for they treatment of those with child.
- In 2:1 he brings a message against Moab. He says they will because they attacked Edom.
Now imagine this message. Amos arrives to deal with the message from God. The back-slidden Israelites are sitting and they have gathered around. Amos begins his message with a proclamation against the Syrians. This is probably their most hated enemy. I imagine it was a lively service at this time. They stand and they say Amen, Amos you are right. Then Amos moves on. He says, Gaza , your punishment will come. The religious crowd once again leans in. Amen Amos, you are right. They begin to elbow each other, they say, I really like this preacher, we should have him back. Amos is now feeling more confident in his first message. He says, the Phoenicians are going to get their judgment as well. Amen Amos, amen! The Edomites will also be getting their judgment as well. Wow, this guy is quite the preacher. Imagine up until this point the people are with him. They are listening to him. They are following along. Again he makes proclamation against Ammon and then against Moab.
Then Amos begins to hit home a little closer.
- In 2:4 he deals with the sin of Judah. He says Judah will be punished because they have forsaken the covenants of God.
I want to point out that he has now spoken against the Syrians, Philistines, Phoenicians, Edomites, and Moabites. They are in full agreement. However, now he hits those in the southern kingdom. I have a feeling they are in more agreement with this point than any other point thus far. I have found that there is nothing that will unite a family more than a family member they all dislike. Oh, Amos, you are right. Those in Judah are terrible. Preach it like it is Amos. Here is where it will take a turn for the worse.
- In 2:6 he finally makes his way to Israel.
Now it just got real. The amen section is now the quiet section. The individuals who were for him are now against him. His greatest supporters are now his greatest opposition. What is the sin that they are being punished for?
First, they are being punished because they have no concern for the innocent in the land. Amos says to them they have sold the righteous for silver and the poor for a pair of shoes. Now we have to be careful here and make sure we are clear. The righteous are indicative of those innocent individuals. This has often been shown as the children of the land. It says they have sold the children for silver. Now it also shows their treatment of the poor. This is an overwhelming theme in the whole of the Minor Prophets. Apparently God is concerned with the poor. Now there are individuals who are poor financially. They do not have the monetary means to survive. Then there is the poor intellectually. These are those who either through a physical impairment or lack of education just do not have the intellectual capability of others. Then there are the poor in personality. These are individuals who are lacking in social skills. Then there are the poor spiritually. These are individuals who lack in the area of spiritual matters. Now, I have to be clear here. God has a concern for the poor. In the days of Ruth we find the fulfillment of the law. There we see the poor allowed to come and harvest the corners and what was left. God did not desire for his people to go hungry. However, there are individuals who are poor due to bad decisions, or addictions, or some other factor. We see the individual on the street corner and they are begging for money, not because they were fired, not because of a difficult time but because they made the choices that lead them there. We find the poor intellectual, these individuals at times are poor because of the environment or even physical handicaps. However, many of us would agree that we lack in this area because we did not try to push ourselves to be better ourselves. God does not desire for us to be hateful or mean to the poor but I am convinced that we can not help an individual until they have the desire to help themselves. Why, even Ruth went out to gather grain. God’s law made provision for the poor but they were to go out.
Secondly, they have no concern for the name of God. We read that a father and son will go into a maid and profane the name of God. We read in different passages that we are to be holy because God is holy. This means that because we are associated with God, and because he is holy we are to live a holy life. This nation decided that their association with God meant nothing. They put very little value in his name.
Thirdly, they have no concern for the law of God. It says that they lay down upon clothes that were the pledge of a poor man. This points back to the law. God’s law made provision for these individuals. A poor man who needed credit and had no collateral would have to put forth his clothes. God says that they were to return those clothes so that the individual would not be naked and cold (Deut. 24:12-13). They have no regard for the law of God.
Now because of these things God is going to judge them. I think we should take note of this not only in our country but in our churches. First, I think the church should have a heart for the innocent. I want our young people to feel welcomed, loved and encouraged here. Second, I think the church should have a heart for those who are poor. Whether that is financial, intellectual, social, or spiritual. We should have a burden. Yes, they may have put themselves in those situations but we should have a heart. Third, we should make sure that the way we live does not put a bad taste in the mouth of this world for God. We should live holy because we are associated with him. Fourthly, we should make sure that the way we live our lives line up with the Word of God. While opinions may be helpful, we should not be founded upon trends, opinions or peer pressure. Our lives should be firmly planted on and in the Bible.
Now I think we find three lessons in this portion of scripture and I want you to see them here.
First, I want you to know that God is a long suffering God
I could take you to 2 Peter 3 and we could find that he is long suffering and not willing that any should perish, but I think the context of what we see is amazing. God says to them I am pressed under you like a cart that is full, and in verse 9 he makes a bold statement:
- Yet destroyed I the Amorites
Now why is this important? I think we should go back to the book of Genesis.
- Genesis 15:16 But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.
God looks at Abraham and says your people cannot go into this land because I am still giving the Amorites a chance. I am still long-suffering to the Amorites. Then all these years forward Amos says, I destroyed the Amorites. What does that mean for them? He is saying, guys I gave them a chance, and I have given you a chance and you still refuse to repent. I do not want you to think you are going to get away with sin, but if you are living in sin today God has given you another opportunity to repent, to get right. We are looking for the return of Christ, and God is looking for another sinner to repent. This may mean nothing to you but I for one am glad that he is long-suffering. I am glad that he gives us chances to make it right.
Secondly, I want you to know that you will be judged based on the opportunity you have had.
What does that mean? That means that there are nations and individuals and even churches, that while they are living in sin they are living in sin ignorantly. Then there are nations, individuals and even churches that live in sin willfully.
- Romans 2:12-15 For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law; (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)
I know I do not say much about America because I am focused on the souls of the American people, not the nation of America. However, I think America will be and is being judged based upon the benefits that God gave them. I realize we are a nation that gives liberty to all. If you want to worship Allah you can. If you want to worship Buddha you can. If you want to worship Satan you can. We have freedoms, however, this nation was founded and guided through scriptural truths and morality. There has never been a time when this nation has not had the opportunity to be guided by the truth of God’s word. For this reason, I think this nation will be judged greater than other nations that have not had the privilege of this.
Now the nation is one thing but the churches are a completely different thing. I think that this church age, if you want to call it that, has the greatest blessings from any other. Think about the resources we have been given.
- We have the resource of religious liberty: There has never been a time when the churches of America have been really persecuted. Regardless of what others say we have been blessed with freedom.
- We have the resource of a complete Bible. Now we could make a great argument towards false translations and the missing doctrines from the original text. However, let’s be honest the churches in this country have had access to the completed word of God, something our first century brothers never had.
- We have the resources of history. We have the ability to look back and see what our spiritual forefathers did. How they failed, and how they succeeded.
- We have the resources of financial prosperity. Even a small church has the ability to pay the bills, and keep the lights on. Now I know there are churches that struggle but that is because of debt not because of ability.
- We have the resources of spiritual mentorship. Why this church age has access to books, recorded messages, and in truth we have some of the greatest preachers that have ever preached.
- We have the resources of technology. We can preach in one location and they can hear it around the world. We have the ability to have websites, live streaming, and all types of media. We can reach the world instantly with the gospel.
Now if the churches have all of this then what will be judged on when we stand before Christ. We have done so little with so much when our spiritual fathers did so much with so little. We should be getting busy for Christ.
Thirdly, I want you to know that just because you are his child, this does not make you exempt from judgment.
I am at times in the presence of unruly children. I watch them sometimes in churches. They do not know how to behave. I watch them in the supermarket or a store. They scream and throw a tantrum over this or that. I have seen them be disrespectful to adults, and act out in ways that should be shameful. The reason they behave in this manner is because they know they will not be punished by mom and dad. The Bible is clear in the book of Hebrews, that if you belong to him you will be chastised.
- Hebrews 12:7-8 If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.
Let me be very clear, God is long-suffering but we will be judged if we continue in dis-fellowship because of sin. You will not be exempt. Remember your sins will find you out.
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