This evening we will close out our look in Amos. There is so much more but we must move to Obadiah if we would like to stay on Schedule. Tonight I want us to hit one of those mountain tops in the book.
Amos 6:1 Woe to them that are at ease
This particular verse has been used to preach many messages. It is a powerful message given but also a message of judgment. I think we should discuss three aspects of this verse.
First, I want us to see the definition of ease. Once again I must press us to understand that we have a wonderful Bible. God has given us a great English Bible for our personal use. While there may be times that a Greek definition can be helpful we must not rely upon the Greek and Hebrew language to understand our English Bible. There are two problems with our understanding of the Bible. First, we do not have a good comprehension because we are not doing a lot of reading. The Bible in content and context usually explains the words we cannot understand. Secondly, we do not have a good comprehension because we are not familiar with the english language, especially the english language in the days of our Bible. So there are two things we can do. We can try to understand the meaning of an English word through an English dictionary and we can try to understand the meaning of the word through the content of scripture.
The word ease means to be free from worries or problems. However, if we want to understand this word from the viewpoint of the Bible, we should use the Bible.
Jeremiah 46:27 But fear not thou, O my servant Jacob, and be not dismayed, O Israel: for, behold, I will save thee from afar off, and thy seed from the land of their captivity; and Jacob shall return, and be in rest and at ease, and none shall make him afraid.
Job 16:12 I was at ease, but he hath broken me asunder: he hath also taken me by my neck, and shaken me to pieces, and set me up for his mark.
From these two verses we can find that an individual who is at ease is an individual who has no fear and has relative contentment in life. Job was a man who had no worries for the things of life, he was fully supplied for in every area. Jeremiah writes that the nation will one day be without fear in their own land. So to be at ease scripturally is one who has no fear of the future or fear of the enemy. This is a freedom from worry.
Secondly, I want us to look at the dialect of ease. Who is in danger of falling into this warning. While Amos is a prophet sent to the northern tribe I find that this warning includes both the northern and the southern tribe. He makes mention of both Zion and Samaria, the capital Jerusalem and the capital Samaria. Apparently the “ease” is an equal opportunity employer. Apparently we all have the ability to fall into this great sin.
Thirdly, I want us to see the destruction of ease. Apparently ease comes with a promise at the end of it. He mentions Calneh, this was in the area where Nineveh was located. Hamath was a great Syrian city. Gath of course is a great Philistine city. Each was marked for destruction or had been destroyed. He looks at them and says, you are marked for destruction and you are no different from the others, you will be destroyed. What a sad remark made to the individuals who had the word of God, who had the promise, who had the heritage, who had the former deliverance.
Now they are being destroyed for five sins and I want us to look at these sins really quickly.
First, in verse three we are told that they are consumed with the prospects of today and have no concern for the future. He says they put the evil day away. This is very similar to that of Hezekiah when he was grateful that peace would be in his day but not in his grandson’s day. Now I understand scripture that tells us to take no thought for the morrow. I understand that our peace and our reliance is in him and our trust gives us rest and ease. It was him that promised us rest. It was him that promised us peace. However, we live in this world and everyone cries out “YOLO”, or “You Only Live Once”. This is the saying that tells you to live it up while you can. There is nothing after this life. There is great danger in this and our country especially is going to find out very soon that you do not only live one, but rather you live forever. Many individuals put it away and say, I have plenty of time, there is no destruction coming, there is no hell coming. The said thing is you can “live it up” now but you will one day find destruction.
Secondly, they were consumed with the pleasures of this world and of their flesh.
- They lay on beds of ivory. The material of ivory even today, while illegal to harvest, is very valuable. It was said that Ahab and Jezebel built an entire palace out of ivory. It was the status of great wealth. So they are consumed with the pleasures of wealth.
- They stretch themselves upon their couches. Many believe this means they are consumed with sexual sins. They are consumed with the pleasures of their flesh.
- They consume the lambs and consume the calves. They have no concern about the future, and are just living on the pleasures of this world.
The lie of this nation today is do what makes you feel good. If it makes you feel good to dress and try to become a man and you are a woman then do it. If you are a man and want to be a woman then do it. If you want to be involved in drugs and it makes you feel good, do it. This is the lie of Satan, sin is only pleasurable for a season. I heard there is a show on television about a young man who wanted to be a young lady. A commenter was talking about this the other day. Apparently this young man desired to be a girl at a young age and either mom and dad fed this into his mind, or did not correct this in his mind. So since he was a little boy they have worked on outwardly changing this boy into a girl. They have apparently gone through great efforts to do so. Recently this young man, who is now in every appearance a young lady, said I thought all this would make me feel more comfortable in my body, I am tired of trying to be happy in who I am. You see, many of these individuals are coming out and decrying the lies they were told. The drug addict says, I thought it would make me feel better but in the end it ruined my life. The individual involved in sin says, it felt good in the beginning but now I am miserable.
Thirdly, They are consumed with ungodly entertainment. I realize I have hit on this recently and I know that it may sound like a broken record, but apparently they are busy with making up new music. This is not the music of David, but this is ungodly music. I find it interesting how consumed we as a nation are in entertainment. We have movies, music, broadway shows, and video games.
- The Music industry globally made 26.2 billion dollars annually, with America supplying 15.9 billion. I want you to see who the top artists are in our country. A disclaimer, I had to look these up because I have no idea who these individuals are.
- Morgan Wallen
- Taylor Swift
- Miley Cyrus
- U2
- Luke Combs
- The Weekend
- Twice
- Drake
- Jimin
These individuals are not singing about Jesus. I don’t even know who these individuals are or the songs that put them there but I know these individuals do not support the things of God.
- The Movie industry in America is scheduled to make over 27 Billion dollars this year. Many of these movies include sex, drugs, alcohol, vulgar language and many other things you would not want to expose your children to.
- The TV industry in America makes over 300 Billion dollars each year. Most of these shows promote premarital sex, homosexuality, alcoholism, and many other things we do not need to mention.
- The Sports entertainment industry made over 75 billion dollars in 2020, with that climbing each year. These sports figures by far are not praising Jesus but consumed with sin. The winning quarterback of the super bowl was so drunk at the celebration he handed the trophy to a fan in the streets. You know I love football, the quarterback of the Georgia Bulldogs was arrested weeks after the National Championship for public drunkenness. These are not role models, these are individuals to stay away from.
America is consumed with worldly entertainment. They are consumed with feeding their ears, and eyes with these things. We did not even mention the consumption of the internet and all that is there. Be sure that the sins of social entertainment are very dangerous.
Fourthly, they are consumed with alcoholism. I do not hit on this just because I want to. It is clear here in the verses. In verse 6 we are told they drink wine in bowls. They have moved from chalices, or glasses, or cups to bowls. They are drunkards! This country is run on alcohol. When they found they could make great profit off of alcohol it changed the government’s view of Alcohol.
- 60% if US adults consume alcohol
- Alcohol makes over 283 billion each year in America
- 25% of all traffic related deaths are caused by Alcohol
- Every day 30 people die in automobiles due to alcohol that is 1 every 50 minutes
- Every day, 385 Americans die as a result of excessive alcohol use
- 10.2% of Americans aged 12 years and older had Alcohol Use Disorder in 2020.
It is no surprise to say that our country is consumed on Alcohol. This nation is no different than the nation of Israel.
Fifthly, they are consumed with their self image. In verse 6 we are told they anoint themselves with the chief ointment. Now I am not against being clean and I am not against presenting yourselves in a manner that is right. We have a problem in our country. Where the self image is that of laziness. Men with long hair or these oily mullets on their heads. Ladies walking around as if they just rolled out of bed. Yet, they will spend great amounts of time working on this image. Then we have this idea of influencers. They tell you how to think, how to dress, and how to behave. It is such a problem that manufacturers will support these influencers. We are consumed with self.
Now here are their sins: First, they have no care for tomorrow, get what you can today. Second, they are consumed with just feeling good and having pleasure. Third, they are consumed with the meal of satan in secular entertainment. Fourth, they are consumed with alcohol. Fifth, they have made human flesh their god. This is the sin of Israel and this is the sin of America. I hate to draw the comparison because I know this letter is written to a nation that was established by God in a particular way. America is not Israel, but do not be surprised when America struggles. Do not be surprised when China overtakes America in the financial market or when the world begins to consider America a 2nd rate country. Do not be surprised when banks fail, and markets suffer. We are deserving of the judgment of God. Just as Calneh, Hamath, and Gath were. We are no different.
However, the purpose of us going through this book is to find the interpretation, and then make an application for us. So what can we as Christians find. Well, I think we can look at these sins and make sure we are staying away from them.
- Are we preparing and laying up treasure in heaven?
- Are we simply living for pleasure instead of trying to please him?
- Are we thinking of heavenly things instead of being consumed by secular entertainment?
- Are we involved in the sin of Alcoholism, many Christians are.
- Are we more worried about our image, rather than his image?
These are things we can find in our lives if we are not careful. However, I think we should go to the root of the problems here. A person living for today is trying to fill a hole in their life. A person consumed with pleasures, entertainment, and alcohol is one who is trying to fill a void in their life. A person consumed with making themselves a little god is missing something in their life. Now you have found what is missing. Praise God, the day you got saved, that void was filled with a holy God. You have been given living water to never thirst again. However, I think sometimes we end up like the church of Ephesus, and our first love is not our first love any longer. Now, don’t mistake what I am saying. If I asked you today, do you love Jesus? You would reply in the affirmative. Oh, I love him. However, I think we have to get as Peter did, do you love me more than these. Yes, Lord, you know I love you more than these. You see in a Christians life the result of this is all about dethroning Christ in your heart.
- An individual who is consumed with today and not with the reward they will receive has left their first love.
- An individual who cares only for their pleasure, and what feels good, instead of pleasing their king has left their first love.
- An individual who has their affections on the things here on this earth, and not on the things in heaven, has left their first love.
- A Christian who would even consider alcohol has left his first love. I do not need alcohol to bring me joy or relaxation after a hard and difficult day. I have Jesus!
- A Christian who is more in love with themselves instead of Christ, has left their first love.
I think if I could bring anything to you today to help you out, it would be to make sure he has priority in your life. Make sure he is first in your life. Remember Paul said, it is not I that lives but Christ that lives in me. This life is not your own, you are bought with a price!
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