We believe the church can be broken down into two categories, "A Church" and "The Church". A Church is the physical location where the people meet. This is where all internal ministries take place and is the purpose of edifying the believer. The church is made up of those who are saved. The purpose of the church is to take the gospel to the world. At Abounding Grace Baptist Church we have a multitude of ministries to become involved with.
Music Ministry
At our Church we recognize that the main focus is the preaching and teaching of his word. However, we also believe there is a principle of godly music within the house of God. You can enter congregational singing, singing in the choir or even special singing. We use the hymns and songs that would bring honor to the Lord without appeasing the flesh.
Sunday School
We have Sunday School for all ages. In these classes we make an emphasis upon the word of God. Our Goal is to make sure we are rightly dividing the scriptures and making that applicable for all ages.
Youth Programs
While we do have Sunday School for all ages and we do try to make sure our teens and young adults have their own time, we do not separate our children or teens for our services. We believe that as they sit and listen to the preaching they can observe what the Bible says and how to behave in church.
Street Evangelization
Once a month we make a large push to get to a street corner and make the gospel known for those riding or walking by. Through this we have been able to have many conversations with those passing by.
Street Preaching & Personal Evangelization
We believe that we can find within scripture proof that the church spent many moments in the streets and reaching out preaching and personally speaking one on one with individuals. We try to get out at least once a month to do this as well as other special opportunities.
Nursing Home Ministry
The Nursing Home Ministry goes out to speak to those who may be shut in or in a Nursing Home facility. Our goal is to encourage, and evangelize those in the latter part of their lives.